Monday, November 11, 2019

Magic Tricks Super Girls! (RED)

RED: Man Today sucks! I just wish something interesting would happen!

RED: HUH?! is that a Shooting star? And is it coming right at me? AHHHHHHH!

(The Red Magic gem crashes in front of Red.)

RED: Huh?! What's looks like a gem. I bet I could make some serious cash off of that!

(Gem melts in Reds Hand)

RED: WHAT THE HECK!!! Where did it....go.....AHHH My Hurts!!!!


RED: What the heck!!!! What's with my outfit? and Why do I have a staff? Whoa! 
what's that on my Face? It looks like a Tattoo?

(Energy ring forms around RED.)

RED: What the Heck where is thing taking me!!!!

Gem 8 (teal)

ability: Family Magic
This Gem can turn anyone into a Milf, a baby, a child, Even a pregnant woman. Or swap everything around in a Family.

GEM 7 (Pink)

Gem: Pink
ability: Bimbo Magic
The User can turn anyone into a Blonde hair Airhead aka a Bimbo.

GEM 6 (Purple)

Gem: Purple 
ability: Sexy Magic
All this Gem does is make anything Sexier. So don't go to crazy with it.

GEM 5 (Blue)

Gem: Blue
ability: Cosplay Magic
This Gem only affects people who are in costume. Its ability is turn the person who is wearing a costume into the actual thing.

Gem 4 (Green)

Gem: Green
ability: Video Game Magic
The Green Gem has the ability to turn anyone into a Video game character's but only Female ones or Gender swap male Characters.

GEM 3 (Orange)

ability: Object Magic
This Gem can turn anyone into any object. So basically they can turn people into: a car, a Box, a Toilet, even a Fridge.

GEM 2 (Yellow)

ability:Fantasy Magic
Basically this Gem gives its user the ability to transform anyone into any Fantasy things. So like Dragons,Trolls,Princess, Fairy, ETC.

GEM 1 (Red)

ability:Age Magic
The Red Gem was given the ability to either Age up or deage someone at will!

Magic Tricks Super Girls! (Part 1 of 2)

The was like any other, Magic Trick was sitting in his tower, in the middle of his Dimension. He knew that he'll have to sleep soon, but this isn't any normal sleep but a sleep that last for 4 months. He had to Train some one, to give them parts of his power. So He decide to choose 5 People to train.


(Pre-form gems)

MT: Ok so my Magic infused gems are ready! Now I'll send them to Earth and see who finds them.

MT: Time to go Pure God Form and open that Portal!

MT: This still feels weird but oh well at least I can still go God form 1! NOW GO MY GEMS Find your users!