Monday, November 11, 2019

Magic Tricks Super Girls! (RED)

RED: Man Today sucks! I just wish something interesting would happen!

RED: HUH?! is that a Shooting star? And is it coming right at me? AHHHHHHH!

(The Red Magic gem crashes in front of Red.)

RED: Huh?! What's looks like a gem. I bet I could make some serious cash off of that!

(Gem melts in Reds Hand)

RED: WHAT THE HECK!!! Where did it....go.....AHHH My Hurts!!!!


RED: What the heck!!!! What's with my outfit? and Why do I have a staff? Whoa! 
what's that on my Face? It looks like a Tattoo?

(Energy ring forms around RED.)

RED: What the Heck where is thing taking me!!!!

Gem 8 (teal)

ability: Family Magic
This Gem can turn anyone into a Milf, a baby, a child, Even a pregnant woman. Or swap everything around in a Family.

GEM 7 (Pink)

Gem: Pink
ability: Bimbo Magic
The User can turn anyone into a Blonde hair Airhead aka a Bimbo.

GEM 6 (Purple)

Gem: Purple 
ability: Sexy Magic
All this Gem does is make anything Sexier. So don't go to crazy with it.

GEM 5 (Blue)

Gem: Blue
ability: Cosplay Magic
This Gem only affects people who are in costume. Its ability is turn the person who is wearing a costume into the actual thing.

Gem 4 (Green)

Gem: Green
ability: Video Game Magic
The Green Gem has the ability to turn anyone into a Video game character's but only Female ones or Gender swap male Characters.

GEM 3 (Orange)

ability: Object Magic
This Gem can turn anyone into any object. So basically they can turn people into: a car, a Box, a Toilet, even a Fridge.